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5 unmistakeable signs your girlfriend Likes Girls


With the happening things in the society, you may not know when a girl may hit you up as a girl and ask you out.

Black girls

Since we are finally getting to that stage where homoS3@.x:’uals are becoming liberated and are starting to express themselves S3@.x:’ually without giving a hoot about what the society thinks or feel, it is important for us to discuss a topic as sensitive as this.

We would try as much as possible to be liberal without hurting any party. We expect that as adults, you have the right to do whatever suits you in as much as you are ready to take responsibility for your actions.

While being a homoS3@.x:’ual may be permissible in other parts of the world, you should know that it is not acceptable in Nigeria as a bill as already been passed on it. You may also end up being lynched if you are caught frolicking with the same S3@.x:’ in an environment filled with religious extremists.

Despite the strictness of the rules and societal guides we are subjected to, there are still a few people who have preferences for people of the same S3@.x:’. Lesbians for so many reasons prefer finding comfort in the arms of other women. If you are looking for the old and archaic sign that people used in identifying lesbians in the society then, you are in for a big shock.

Being a tomboy does not exactly mean a woman is a lesbian. There are some ladies that were raised with men and are known as non-conformists in the society.

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There are so many key signs you should watch out for if you are keen on knowing which of your friends is a lesbian. Find some of these signs below:

1. Flirting

Dark pretty girls

The same way ladies hit on men by flirting with them while playing is the same way lesbians hit on girls too.

They have emotions coursing through their veins and will do anything they can to make those that they like notice them.

If any of your girlfriends start to act weird around you by looking at you funnily and throwing in jokes about taking care of you, you have just gotten yourself a die-hard fan. What you do next is totally up to you.

2. When she keeps rubbing your body

Beautiful girls holding hands

At first it may seem like the babe got carried away trying to get your attention. But when this persists and she starts to touch you constantly up to the point that she gives you the creeps, then she might just be into you.

Men also allow their touch to linger on for a longer period when they are trying to woo a woman. If she is trying to hit on you, then she is most likely to be watching your reaction. Not doing anything about the touch is like a ‘yes, I do.’

3. When she’s protective of you

Beautiful black ladies

As soon as you discover your girlfriend is always looking out for you and chasing guys around you away that could be her way of letting you know wants you for herself alone.

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If she does not want to come out straight, she may hide under the guise of wanting the best for you.

No matter how protective of you she is, she should cut you some slack when it comes to dating and choice of men.

4. When she throws you compliments

Beautiful ladies chatting

This is a sure way of confirming your suspicions. If your friend keeps drooling about your looks and cannot help telling you how hot you are, this may be because she is so into you.

It is awkward for a lady to compliment you while stripping you off of your dress while she’s at it. If this becomes her habit, you may have to take the necessary line of action.

5. If she avoids men

Smiling black ladies

In order to ascertain if your friend is a lesbian, you will have to study her behavior and reaction around men.

If she detests men and talks about her past partners, you can start to connect the dots from there. She probably had a bad fall out with a guy and that made her prefer seeing ladies like her.

Despite ticking off the other points, she may throw you off balance by being romantically linked with some guy. Some lesbians are biS3@.x:’ual; they end up getting married and having babies. But you can never miss that desire in them to be with other women.

The video below will tell you what to look out for if you want to identify a lesbian.

About Author Akinola Tolulope Fredrick

A Young man with a Great dream.

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