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Interview, Nigerian Missionary, Rotimi on Evangelizing in Every State of the Country and Northern Border Towns

November 17

This week,interviews Rotimi, a Nigerian missionary who has witnessed in all the 36 states of the country and currently serving in Northern Nigeria.

God’s people are called to go, make disciples, baptize, teach, and witness. Many of us do just that in our personal witness here in the city and surrounding areas. However, there are people who are called to do this across the across the nation, border towns, and across the globe. This week,interviews Rotimi, a Nigerian missionary who has witnessed in all the 36 states of the country and currently serving in Northern Nigeria. He shares about his missionary journey so far, the intricacies, the joy, and hope for a world that thirsts after God. (NB: Rotimi’s pictures and last name have not been published for privacy reasons). Enjoy reading and be blessed! 

Please tell us about yourself.

I am Rotimi, a missionary with a focus to mobilise and train a new generation of the workforce with whom we will enthrone Christ as LORD in the nations; making disciples of people and transforming communities to the glory of God.
I grew with a consciousness in search of ultimate reality. I decided upon the absoluteness of purpose. Therefore, I developed a resolution to live for purpose – nothing more or less aside purpose. Also, I became an ardent believer in Jesus, desirous to live just for the very essence of the Christian faith which I found out to be: discipleship and frontier missions. I really do not know how to explain it more, but I was not told twice on the matter of discipleship and missions before I surrendered my whole life to it. A very good way to see it is that Mercy prevailed on me.

How did you discover the missionary work? 

I got to know about discipleship and missions for very first time in my life a month after leaving the university. With the understanding of it that God has given me by His Spirit, I do not ever wish for my life to find another meaning anymore outside this very essence of my faith.
I decided for discipleship and missions because I see it as the very essence of my Christian faith. Secondly, it is the principal agenda of God peculiar to my generation to finish the task of world evangelization. Thirdly, I want to secure a place of relevance in God, His will and program for the end time age.

How did your family welcome/receive the news of your decision to go into full-time missionary work?

My family’s resistance was not a challenge to me. Jesus already told me I belong to Him than I do to my family. Their reaction was sharply against my decision, but I was prepared to stand my ground for what I believe my life shall be spent for. My mother, especially, cried, seeing my resolve to follow Jesus come what may. They eventually gave in to my conviction, checking to see how I would survive doing nothing else except the commitment to Christ’s missions. I grew up in a very tough family who may not mind you go your way, but they will not have you depend on them for support. I could remember wanting to ask one of them for an aid a particular time, but I did not, knowing the kind of response I would get: Go back to Lagos and work for money. God has been faithful to keep me going.

Please describe a typical day as a missionary and what the life entails.

What underscores missions is a GO command from Jesus, our Master, and LORD. GO is ever-outreaching; preaching, teaching and making disciples. It is about checkmating darkness; rebuking disobedience to Christ every possible way. These are my preoccupations. What the life of a missionary entails is as particular to the dimension of his/her calling. For me, I live on the road almost daily, especially for this phase of my assignment. Many others are resident in various fields. Either way, we remain committed to labours for the glory of Christ in the nations.

What do you do as a missionary when you move into a new country or territory?

You must be very given to prayers. The Mission is first accomplished in the place of prayers. A country or territory you hope to conquer for God must first be soaked in prayers. No meaningful work can we do for Christ anywhere if the spiritual atmosphere has not first been arrested in prayers. Second to that is building relationships. As it were, you share and wear their life to the extent it does not corrupt the faith. Create access platforms to the people. A missionary may have to consider engaging in any of the people’s daily activities for survival. As we remain in prayers, and our hearts are positive in hope, heaven shall not fail to bring souls our way for conversion into the glorious kingdom of light. Our unreserved readiness with divine backing shall secure for us the nations for His glory.

Please share with us a few notable moments in your experience so far.

The first mission field I worked in was at an extreme end of Adamawa, near Cameroon. It was very far; we left Gombe early to get there at midnight. It was a life threatening, yet thrilling, experience. I could only survive the terrain because I ‘died’ before going there to work.
Another was a border village between Niger state and Benin Republic. A beautiful work! I met an old man who understood Yoruba. I took the time to teach him Bible stories. One night, as I was teaching him the Bible, he was interpreting to the people in BOKO language; it made for a crusade! The name of the tribe is BOKO.

Thirdly, I once was involved in a terrible accident during one of my many trips.We all lost consciousness, but God kept me and brought me back to life, and I soon walked out of the hospital hale and hearty.

Have there been times you considered stopping your missionary work? If yes, what kept you moving on?

This is no attempt to sound super, but no time at all has it ever crossed my mind to think what else to do aside commitment to Christ mission. I responded to be a missionary with my heart and mind ready for the worst. I decided to follow Jesus with my life on the line. I want no meaning in life save being a missionary. I shall die at my duty post. Amen.

In how many states and countries have you carried out mission work so far, and do you have any plans regarding a life partner? Any future plans for retirement?

I have preached and work in all the states and state capitals in Nigeria. I am not married yet, but I hope to get married soon to a missionary sister. Together, we shall continue to follow Jesus in full-time missions. We do not retire in missions, but we refire. There is no rest on this side of eternity. Our mandate and commitment to Christ’s course is:labouron, until we cross Jordan to be with Him forever in the glory of the Father.

How can one become a missionary?

To be a missionary you must be ready to deny yourself, carry your cross, and follow Jesus. This is the biblical fundamental prerequisite for enlisting into Christ frontier missionary work.

Please share with us some of the missions organizations our interested readers can reach out to. 

There are mission agencies doing great work in this regard, training, and equipping labourers for missions. Agape  International Missions, Open Bible,Calvary Ministries (CAPRO) and Christian Missionary Foundation are some of the existing organizations. There is also theNigeria Evangelical Mission Institute.

Any other thing(s) you would like to share?
Thank you for hosting me. May He find us faithful when He shall come. Amen.

Photo credit: www.tongiecc.org

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20, NIV

About Author Akinola Tolulope Fredrick

A Young man with a Great dream.

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