I consider myself an expert on the subject of GRACE not because I understand it better than anyone else. In fact most time am left completely clueless as to what grace actually is, I just know it when I see it and I know it when I experience it. Frankly, I have needed a lot of it in my life.
I guess am not an expert I just have a lot of practice, but even the many years of messing up and needing what Christians will call God’s GRACE, I’m still left speechless with the most basic of question “What is GRACE?”.
You see, I think way too often, we in the church over complicate some things that in it purity form could not be more simple.
You see GRACE is
Gained Righteousness At Christ’s Expense
Meaning that when Jesus died on the cross, he purchased for us a right relationship with God that we could not earn for ourselves.
Because GRACE is
Grace Received And Can’t be Earned
And once this
Gift Realized Adequately Covers Everything
meaning every death is cancelled, every single sin past, present and future is washed away by his blood so,
Get Ready And Come Expectantly
Because GRACE is
Growing Revolution And Carnal Execution
Meaning that as we leave the flesh behind and as we die more and more in things of flesh, we are stepping into a movement that continues to change the world by
Giving Redemption And Communion to Everyone
God is
Granting Rest After Condemnation Ends
Because a
Gap Realized And Connected Entirely
A bridge has been built, the battle has been won and
God Relationship After Christ Execution
Is perfect and real beacause,
God Reigns And Christ Exalted.
So simply put