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Relationship Problems

7 certain signs that you are dating a selfish person

Do they always sneak out when you need help only to resurface when they need you?

» moreSelfish lovers will rather give excuses or lie than apologise  (Pulse GH)

Settling down with someone presupposes the idea that you are willing to share a great part of your life with them.

And by inference, that they'll do the same for you.

Being with someone who can not, or who is not ready to share their lives (and everything in it) with you will be disappointing to say the least, and it'll be a surprise if you can manage to stay long in such parasitic relationship.

So, how does one decide that he or she is in a relationship with a selfish partner?

1. A selfish partner always asks for favours, big or small. There's always something you can do for them or help them with.

» moreRelationships are meant to be loving, mutually beneficial affairs.  (Pulse GH)

2. When it's time to come to your aid, though, they'll be nowhere to be found.

3. You can also gauge this by how they relate with others.

One day he's saying terrible things about someone and the next day, in the person's presence, he's singing his praises. Just because of the gain he stands to gain.

4. Does your partner laugh about how he or she used someone to get something done?

No need to be surprised about that. Selfish people are users. All they do is use people to get stuff or do stuff.

» moreCheck and rid yourself of any of these selfish acts. Love is a lot beyond this.  (Shutterstock)

5. A  selfish lover never commits to anything unless they can get some benefit or favor out of it. They would never do anything selflessly for your benefit.

6. They hardly apologise even when saying the simple apologetic words will assuage your hurt.

They'd rather look for excuses or resort to lies.

» moreBeing with someone who reciprocate all the love and good deeds you give might be a little stressful  (Koverage)

7. A selfish person always has a carefree, lackadaisical attitude and takes most things unseriously.

Even when you talk about how hurt you feel, they make you feel stupid for making a big deal out of a 'trivial' issue.

Relationships are meant to be mutually beneficial to the partners in it. Everyone in a romantic relationship needs to understand this.


What would you do if you got into a parasitic relationship?

No problem. I actually don't mind sharing and getting nothing back.

I'm getting out ASAP.

I'm not sure what my reaction would be.

About Author Akinola Tolulope Fredrick

A Young man with a Great dream.

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